Entries by M:X Admin

Cold Weather Fluid Requirements – Dr Stuart Galloway

Fluid requirements during exercise in the winter months We are all aware of our fluid losses during exercise on hot summer days. We often experience sweat dripping from our skin surface, feeling hot, or are even aware of sweat evaporating (leaving salty skin or salty patches on our clothing). This evaporation is what effectively contributes […]

Meadows Marathon is Fuelled by M:X for Third Year

Meadows Marathon is back and in-person! After going virtual for the 2021 event, Meadows Marathon is returning to Edinburgh on Sunday 6th March – and we can’t wait to see you there! M:X has sponsored the student-led fundraising event since 2020, when we gave out our very first samples of Performance M:X Concentrate to runners. […]

Team M:X Takes On Meadows Marathon 2021

M:X is a proud sponsor of Meadows Marathon 2021 and we’re very excited to be entering a team to take part in the virtual Half Marathon on the weekend of 20th/21st March. Each of our runners have chosen a charity to support, and you can find out more about each below. You can sponsor our […]

Meadows Marathon 2021 is Fuelled by M:X

We are delighted to announce our continued partnership with Meadows Marathon! We had the pleasure of supporting Meadows Marathon 2020 last March, where we distributed the very first samples of Performance M:X Concentrate to runners. Meadows Marathon is a student-led event co-hosted by Edinburgh RAG and Edinburgh Napier Events Society, raising money for a number of […]

Managing Your Training Over The Festive Period

This is a quite common question that I get asked year after year, and it’s actually a difficult one to answer. In fact it’s probably the epitome of the ‘it depends’ answer. The truth is that training over the festive period will look different for everyone based on their individual circumstances: work, family, race plans […]